Author Archives: Jerry

How do I know if there is a wild honeycomb nearby?

The basic condition for beekeeping is that there must be at least a group of [...]

What are the benefits of beekeeping?

In fact, there are also many farmers who have embarked on the road to becoming [...]

Why don’t bees sting the beekeeper?

The stinging needle of the bee’s most daunting tail, although it does not cause any [...]

Why do beekeepers live long?

Beekeeping has always been called a “sweet cause”. Here we don’t talk about the life [...]

How does a beekeeper build a honey brand?

Honey is an extremely chaotic industry. The entire industry is full of low-quality and fake [...]

Beekeeping Frame Electric Embedder

This embedder, used with the 12 volt transformer, heats horizontal frame wire so it is [...]

Lid – 8 frame

Price: $19.80 Code: LD001A Unit: 20 +   *NOTE* Price includes GST, Specific price, please [...]

Why Beekeeping?

Beekeeping is becoming an increasingly popular hobby all around the world – and it is [...]