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Bee knowledgeRead More
How to deal with the bee sting?
1, Stay away from bees The first thing to do when you are stung by [...]
Is the bee color blind – Can bees identify colors?
Can bees identify colors? The bee has a pair of compound eyes. Each compound eye [...]
What color do bees like best?
The colors of flowers in nature can be described as diverse, but the most common [...]
The best way to drive away bees
Honey bees are a kind of social resource insects. During the flowering season of plants, [...]
What is the relationship between worker bees and queen bees?
Worker bees are the largest number of bee species in the swarm. The main role [...]
How long does a drone live?
How long does a drone live? The life of a drone is generally about 3 [...]
How did drones develop?
Drones are one of the three types of bees (queen bees, worker bees, drones), and [...]
Where will bees nest?
The bee is a social insect, and the hive is the basis for the survival [...]