Bees have the instinct to collect nectar and make it into honey. Because of this special instinct, they are well known and used. In fact, artificially cultivated bees are mainly for obtaining honey, but bees do not always produce honey. Yes, let ’s take a look at the reason why bees don’t make honey!

1, there is no source of honey
The main raw material for honey production by bees is nectar, and nectar is the liquid secreted by the nectary of the nectar source plant. Therefore, the existence of a nectar source is a prerequisite for bee honey production, not to mention the behavior of bees that rely almost exclusively on instinctual bees. It is impossible and impossible to make honey.
2, the natural climate is uncomfortable
Bees must collect nectar from the nectar source to make honey, but not always bees can go out to collect honey. For example, when the temperature is too high or too low, bees usually don’t go out to collect honey. Less nesting, and nectar is an essential raw material for making honey, so bees cannot make honey when the climate is not suitable for bees.
3, too little nectar collected
There are two different uses of bees after they collect nectar. One is that they are consumed internally as food for the colony, and the other is that they are brewed into honey and stored in the hive. In fact, only the collected nectar has a surplus of bees Only honey can be brewed, otherwise the bee colony consumes nectar instead of nectar, so bees do not brew honey when they encounter too little nectar.
4, the order of the bee colony is unstable
Honeybees live in groups and live entirely in groups. In fact, honey production by honeybees is also a sign of community stability. For example, when a newly-collected bee colony is not stable, it does not produce honey, and it is generally not brewed when a bee colony is chaotic due to the loss of the king. Honey, for example, the bee colony does not make honey when it flees for various reasons. Therefore, the failure of bees to produce honey may be caused by the instability of the bee colony.
Summary: Collecting flowers and nectar is the instinct of bees to survive. As long as the conditions allow the bees to collect flowers to make honey, bees must have the following two conditions. One is that the colony can collect enough nectar, and the other is bees Swarms have the foundation to make nectar into honey.