Bees are flying insects that live in groups. They are often busy in the flowers during the flowering season. Ants, like bees, are typical grouping insects. In fact, the two are similar and very different. Let ’s take a look at the difference between bees and ants!

1, the biological genus is different
There are obvious differences in the biological classification of bees and ants. Among them, bees are a collective term for various insects in the family Apidae of the genus Pleuroidea. The most common people are the Chinese bee, Italian bee, and black bee. A general term for a variety of insects of the subfamily Formicidae, especially the small yellow family ants, large black ants, and marching ants.
2, different food habits
Bees and ants have very different food habits. Among them, bees are insects that completely feed on flowers (including pollen and nectar). In the season of rich nectar, bees will make nectar into honey and store it. The omnivorous insects mainly feed on plant seeds and insect carcasses and have the same habit of storing food as bees.
3, the nesting method is different
Although bees and ants are typical social insects, they are very different in the way of camping. The bees’ nesting material is beeswax secreted by worker bees. Beeswax is built into the nest and closely arranged into the spleen. It is usually composed of several or ten nest spleens, and most species of ants dig in the earth to nest in underground or rotten trunks.
4, the hierarchy is different
Although bees and ants are socially habitual insects, the hierarchies of bees are relatively higher than ants. In the ant colony, there is generally only division of labor and no hierarchy. The treatment of queens is no different from other ants. The hierarchy is very obvious and strict, and the treatment of the queen bee is far better than other bees, especially in food.
Summary: Although there are great similarities between bees and ants, the differences between the two are also very obvious. In fact, the relationship between ants and wasps is closer. Scientists speculate that the ancestors of ants and wasps were primitive wasps. The epoch has evolved into two species, ants and wasps.