What is the largest bee in the world?

The bee is a collective name for other insects other than ants of Hymenoptera. At present, there are more than 100,000 species of bees and they are widely distributed all over the world. Although most of these bees are relatively small, there are actually many bees “Big Mac”, let’s take a look at what is the largest bee in the world!

1, Vespa mandarinia

It is the world’s largest wasp and one of the world’s top five poisonous bees, with a total length of 45-60 mm and a wingspan of more than 75 mm. It is widely distributed in eastern and southeastern Asia. In addition, the golden ring wasp varies from place to place The subspecies and common names, such as the Chinese giant tiger bee and Japanese bumblebee, are actually Vespa mandarinia.


2, Megachile pluto

The Megachile pluto is the world’s largest leaf-cutting bee, with a body length of 38 mm and a wingspan of 63 mm, which is almost as large as the thumb of an average adult. It is mainly distributed on Bakan and Halmahera On Tito Island, the Wallace Giant Bee was thought to be extinct, but a female Megachile pluto was found in Indonesia in 2019.


3, Platynopoda magnifica Cockerell

It is the largest wood bee in the world, with female body length of 28-32 mm and drone body length of 28-30 mm. It is mainly distributed in India, Pakistan and Yunnan, Sichuan and other places in China. In addition, Platynopoda magnifica Cockerell are solitary. Insects often make holes in dry wood to make nests. The nests are made of wood chips and plant fragments and mixed with saliva to make room walls.


4, Apis laboriosa

Apis laboriosa is the largest bee in the world. Worker bees can reach 17-20 mm in length and drones can reach 16-17 mm in length. They are mainly distributed in Nepal, Bhutan, northeast India, southern Tibet, and western Yunnan As in the south, hi groups and most groups or dozens of groups live in the rock gaps or protruding rocks on the same overhang.

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