A bee is a flying social insect. It is distributed in all parts of the world except Antarctica. It is well known for its ability to gather flowers and honey, and because of its hard work, it has become a symbol of hard work, It’s even more frightening because of the thorns on its tail. Let’s take a look at whether bees are pests or beneficial insects!

1, bees can spread pollen
Bees are insects that completely use flowers as food. They collect pollen or nectar and play a vital role in plant pollination. In fact, 84% of plants on the planet rely on bees to impart pollen, If no bees spread pollen, humans will also be in great danger, that is to say, bees are not only beneficial insects, but also beneficial insects that have an important impact on human survival.
2, Bees can make honey
Honey will collect a large amount of nectar when the external nectar source is abundant. In addition to being consumed by the bee colony, the nectar will be brewed into honey and stored in the hive. When the external nectar source is scarce, the bee colon will feed on the stored honey. In fact, most beekeepers keep bees to obtain honey stored by bees. Therefore, from the point of view of honey produced by bees, bees are also outright beneficial insects.
3, Bees can provide beeswax
Beehive is the main place for bees to feed larvae and store food. Beehive is a fatty substance secreted by beeswax glands of suitable age. Beekeepers can use beehive to purify beeswax. Although beeswax is not as familiar as honey, But beeswax is actually widely used in many fields, so bees are also beneficial insects from the point that bees can secrete beeswax for people to use.
4, Bees can provide propolis
Propolis is made by bees collecting gum from plant spores or trunks and mixing it with glandular secretions, The beekeeper can collect propolis from the beehive’s nest frame, beams, etc. These original propolis can be purified and depurified to obtain pure glue. Pure gum contains a lot of nutrients and is widely used in the health care industry. Therefore, judging from the fact that bees can produce propolis, bees should be beneficial insects.
5, bees can provide pollen
When bees collect pollen, they will condense the pollen into a pollen box mounted on their legs. The beekeeper can install special devices at the door of the nest to collect pollen collected by bees. These pollen is a concentrate composed of substances with nutritional value and medicinal value, and is widely used in various medical and health care industries. Therefore, bees should be beneficial insects in terms of bee production.
In summary: bees are outright beneficial insects from all aspects, but beneficial insects and pests are classified according to their benefits or harms to humans. From the perspective of the organism itself, there is no benefit or harm. These actions are only for survival and reproduction.